In this section, we will introduce you to companies of different economic sectors from Bulgaria and Romania, which are offering job openings. Most of them already have experience in hiring foreign workers and have established positions in the markets of both countries.
Stangl Vegetable from Romania, which is a subsidiary of Stangl GmbH & Co. Gemüse KG Germany. You were recommended to us by Stangl…
Autoservice - repair and diagnostics for all types of cars. Front and rear axle stand.
The company implements a project on the territory of the Montana municipality, which aims to replace wood and coal stoves with…
Малка счетоводна кантора с трима счетоводители. На пазара на счетоводнитуслуги от 2006 г. Работи съвместно с ФИСК ОДИТ ЕООД- предприятие…
"Инарт ууд " ЕООД е тясно специализирана в изграждането дървени покривни конструкции и има дългогодишен опит в строително-монтажните…
The company has been operating for 7 years in the HoReCa sector, more specifically - in fast food.…
Mediterana Import Export SRL, infiintata inca din anul 1992, vine in intampinarea nevoilor consumatorilor industriali cu o gama variata…
Финтрейд Файнанс АД е небанкова финансова институция, лицензирана от БНБ и специлиализирана в областта на микрокредитирането. Нашата…
Florian Ltd. was founded as a family business in 1999 in the city of Ruse. Over the years, we…
Уча.се е Образователен сайт №1 на България с уроците за училище на интересен и разбираем език. В Уча.се има над 16 000 видео урока…
Dunavlab is accredited for testing food, water, fodder and animal materials in accordance with EN…
Balkan Eco Grill is an international company with proven experience in the field of production…
We develop our partner's products from the pharmaceutical sector on the Bulgarian market. Our marketing…
Trade Commissioner Services at the Embassy of Canada help export products and services, establish a presence, source technology…
"Biotrend Plus" SRL is a leading supplier of tests for hygiene monitoring of products in the whole food industry. Our most attractive…
Certified training for acquiring a professional qualification "Judicial employee", specialty "Judicial…
TIT 77 EOOD works in the construction sector and provides services for renovations and remodeling…
The project "Software University" of SoftUni was founded with the idea of an innovative and modern…
Manufacturing of women's clothing. The manufacturing processes include cutting, sewing, ironing, packaging. Main clients of the…
This is a large transport company, engaged in the delivery of time-sensitive goods, with a reputation for accuracy and precision.
MAE (Mental Arithmetic of Europe) – is a special educational program, which activates the two halves…
The specialized activity of Eco Recyclate EOOD is the recycling of PVC waste. The way we process…
The company, under the private label to4nite – 22 22, is among the leaders in taxi services in the city of Ruse.
The company provides complete office equipment and supplies of stationery.
The company offers end-users solutions in the field of air conditioning, ventilation and heating.
The company works in the field of textile garments - it produces women's clothes (blouses, dresses, skirts, pants, etc.).
Euro Consulting (EC) is a Romanian legal entity (LTD) established in 2002 and is…
„TEKOM” AD is a company, which produces additives for concrete, waterproofing and renovation products,…
„AK Plastronik“ AD is a subsidiary of AQ GROUP AB (Sweden), who is a worldwide manufacturer of components…
As a licensed by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy recruitment agency with № 2636/22.10.2018,…
Vuelta Bulgaria is a fast-developing company in the sphere of selling bicycles and bicycle accessories.
BCC 95 Ltd. is a leading metal processing company with over 15 years of experience in the production…
Sice Previt deals with metal articles and has more than 10 years of experience. We have made it our…
The company carries out auto repair and maintenance activities, trades with car tires, spare parts…
Construction activity, including constructions and fundaments, metal constructions, building reinforcement,…
We help employers from all across Europe to find the right staff for their needs. We offer reliable…
Vivre started its activity in Romania in 2012 with the idea to create an online store with quality…
Manufacturing and installation of roof drainage systems, roof and facade coverings from sheet material…
CFNP "Rusenski Lom" works for protection and sustainable activities in the region of Natural Park…
The company offers preparation of project proposals for European programmes and cooperation during…
The Association works to improve the social environment, education and biodiversity in Ruse and the…
Bulgarian-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BRCCI) is a private association of companies…
Novi Global is an international executive search company originally set up in Ireland. We are working…
Montupet is a French industrial group, created in the distant 1894, recognized as a world leader in…
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